Better Compliance Is In Your Hands
We all know that proper hand hygiene helps prevent cross contamination and the spread of illness-causing germs – but that doesn't mean that we always take the time to do what we should. How can you drive up hand hygiene compliance in your facility?
A recent study suggests that one way is to install touch-free hand sanitizer dispensers. Researchers installed both manual and touch-free dispensers in a healthcare facility for two months and monitored how frequently each type of dispenser was used. They found that the touch-free dispensers were used 20.8 percent more often than the manual dispensers, significantly increasing hand hygiene compliance.1 Touch-free dispensers also have other benefits, including reduced contact contamination and less wasted product.
If you have serious concerns over hand hygiene compliance, a new, high-tech system from GOJO might be a good fit for your facility. Dubbed SMARTLINK, the wireless system tracks handwashing and sanitizing events as well as how many people enter and exit a room. The system is designed for facilities that have 100 beds or more and can work with existing RTLS systems. GOJO's clinical team guides customized implementation of the SMARTLINK system, including an on-site audit, setup, baseline measurements and detailed improvement plans.
To learn more about how ProMed can help you improve hand hygiene compliance at your facility, give us a call at (800) 648-5190 or visit us online at promedsupply.com.
1 Larson EL, Albrecht S, O’Keefe M. Hand hygiene behavior in a pediatric emergency department and a pediatric intensive care unit: comparison of use of 2 dispenser systems. Am J Crit Care. 2005 Jul; 14:304-11; quiz 312.
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